Gut Health and Inflammation: What’s the Connection?
Written byKim Erickson Medically reviewed by Fullscript Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, RN When you cut your finger, your immune system triggers an inflammatory response to help speed healing. Once your finger’s better, that inflammation normally subsides. But what if, instead of your finger, inflammation targets your gut? And what if that inflammation didn’t go away? Instead, […]
How to Deal with Workplace Burnout
Written byKarolina Zaremba, CNP Medically reviewed by: Dr. Alex Keller, ND – Fullscript ( dispensary) In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) updated the International Classification of Diseases to expand the definition of burnout as an occupational phenomenon. (16) This phenomenon affects students (4) and professionals in any workplace, including healthcare professionals. (6) Workplace burnout […]
Naturopathy or Homeopathy – What’s the Difference?
If you’re struggling with a troublesome health problem that is causing you a lot of discomfort or even pain, you’re probably looking for something that’s going to help you, and you’ve probably tried a lot of things. If you’re on my site, you’ve likely already heard of holistic medicine (or natural medicine), herbal medicine, or […]
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