Gut Health and Inflammation: What’s the Connection?
Written byKim Erickson Medically reviewed by Fullscript Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, RN When you cut your finger, your immune system triggers an inflammatory response to help speed healing. Once your finger’s better, that inflammation normally subsides. But what if, instead of your finger, inflammation targets your gut? And what if that inflammation didn’t go away? Instead, […]
Top Natural Ways to Help Anxiety Fact Checked Written byRoss Bailey, BScKin, MKin Medically reviewed by Dr. Alex Keller, ND (Fullscript) How do you cope with anxiety? Whether you’re struggling with the demands of your career, family life, or growing list of responsibilities, feelings of anxiety are a normal part of life. However, for some […]
Woodbridge Naturopath – Cholesterol Help
Today we’re going to talk a little bit about cholesterol. So, having high cholesterol is a pretty big issue in our society today, and you might be suffering from this condition. You might have been recently diagnosed or have been dealing with it for years. It’s important to understand a few things about cholesterol. Number […]
Woodbridge Naturopath: Help for Spring Allergies
Are your allergies starting to act up? Do you have a history of really bad allergies in the spring or fall? Or, have you never suffered from allergies until this year, and now you’re starting to get symptoms? These past few years have been particularly bad for people who suffer from allergies. Even people who […]
Naturopathy or Homeopathy – What’s the Difference?
If you’re struggling with a troublesome health problem that is causing you a lot of discomfort or even pain, you’re probably looking for something that’s going to help you, and you’ve probably tried a lot of things. If you’re on my site, you’ve likely already heard of holistic medicine (or natural medicine), herbal medicine, or […]
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