Gut Health and Inflammation: What’s the Connection?
Written byKim Erickson Medically reviewed by Fullscript Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, RN When you cut your finger, your immune system triggers an inflammatory response to help speed healing. Once your finger’s better, that inflammation normally subsides. But what if, instead of your finger, inflammation targets your gut? And what if that inflammation didn’t go away? Instead, […]
Nip your Allergies in the Bud!
Spring is in the air! For many kids, March break is here, and with it the excitement and enthusiasm that a few days off school in good weather can bring! In a couple of weeks, Easter will take over with Easter egg hunts and the Easter Bunny. It’s great to see young kids having a […]
Woodbridge Naturopath: Help for Spring Allergies
Are your allergies starting to act up? Do you have a history of really bad allergies in the spring or fall? Or, have you never suffered from allergies until this year, and now you’re starting to get symptoms? These past few years have been particularly bad for people who suffer from allergies. Even people who […]
Woodbridge Naturopath: 7 Natural Ways to Alleviate Your Allergy Symptoms
If you’ve struggled with seasonal allergies year after year, or if it is something new that has just cropped up this year for you, then you know how hard it is to live a normal life. You’re probably online looking for solutions, after trying all kinds of over-the-counter remedies. You want something that is going […]
Allergies – Relief is on its Way!
One of the most challenging times of year for many people, perhaps including you, is allergy season, and this is no different in Woodbridge or the Greater Toronto Area. From childhood through adulthood, the number of allergy sufferers is staggering and on the increase year after year. Common allergy symptoms include itchy, watery, red eyes, […]
Woodbridge Naturopath: Help with Allergies
If you live or work in the Woodbridge or Greater Toronto areas and suffer with season allergies, there’s a really good chance that Naturopathic Medicine can help you. Have you been suffering from chronic allergies for years, or do you have a child who is constantly sneezing, with red, itchy eyes, or runny nose in […]
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