Gut Health and Inflammation: What’s the Connection?
Written byKim Erickson Medically reviewed by Fullscript Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, RN When you cut your finger, your immune system triggers an inflammatory response to help speed healing. Once your finger’s better, that inflammation normally subsides. But what if, instead of your finger, inflammation targets your gut? And what if that inflammation didn’t go away? Instead, […]
The Keto Diet Explained & 7 Rules for Success
Written by Kayla Robinson, BKin, RHN Medically reviewed by Dr. Alex Keller, ND (Fullscript) In recent years, the ketogenic diet has gained popularity as a weight loss diet. Commonly referred to as the keto diet, this dietary pattern was originally developed in 1921 as a treatment for epilepsy. Since then, it has been used to […]
Sweet Tooth? What you need to know about Sugar and Sweeteners
(Fullscript – K. Zaremba, CNP) The negative health effects of sugar, including weight gain and obesity, have been well-established. (12) Leading organizations, such as the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recommend limiting dietary intake of added sugars to less than 10% of daily calories. (4)(20) Unfortunately, sugar is still prevalent […]
Making Changes to Your Diet – The Easy Way!
Do you feel tired, sluggish or bloated on a regular basis? Have you gained weight, or have pain or unusual symptoms? Maybe you’re thinking you definitely need to change your diet, but are not sure where to begin? Here are some Naturopathic tips to help you: 1) Look at your refrigerator and pantry shelves – […]
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