Woodbridge Naturopath: Help for Spring Allergies
Are your allergies starting to act up? Do you have a history of really bad allergies in the spring or fall? Or, have you never suffered from allergies until this year, and now you’re starting to get symptoms?
These past few years have been particularly bad for people who suffer from allergies. Even people who have never had a symptom in their lives have been coming in for relief. So what’s going on?
Every year, more and more pollutants are in the air, and so there are more and more allergens for us to react to. Coming out of the winter season, you could be reacting to snow moulds or other moulds or dusts that are in the air or in your home.
Then, on top of it, just to make things worse, nature is starting to wake up after a long hibernation. That means our bodies will soon be contending with pollens in the air. This is not a problem for most people, but if you do suffer, it can be a few weeks or months of misery.
If you are new to allergies, you may be surprised to suddenly be experiencing any combination of these symptoms: red, itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, headaches. For some people it’s so bad that they don’t want to even step outside.
So what to do?
The most obvious thing to do is to go to the drugstore and pick up an over-the-counter allergy medication. But, is that the best solution?
Patients have told me that they get some relief from these medications, but often it doesn’t last. Aren’t you looking for something more long-lasting?
Every year around this time, I start to advise my patients to begin working with their allergies. There are many herbal and homeopathic remedies, and energetic therapies that can assist the immune system and minimize symptoms.
Something as simple as Bioflavinoids and Vitamin C, in the right doses, can help your allergies. Nettles that might grow wild in your garden, can also be useful. I use specialized combinations of herbs and homeopathic remedies and energy therapy to help train your immune system and neutralize symptoms of allergy.
These therapies can dramatically reduce the impact of spring allergens. I am thrilled that I have been able to help so many people with their allergy symptoms over the years, often within a few weeks of starting. And these improvements last year over year. Be SURE to watch the video below.
So, if you are looking for relief from your spring allergies, be sure to give me a call.
Linda Brown, ND Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
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