Hair Mineral Analysis
It has been estimated that minerals are involved in more physiological functions than any other basic nutrients we consume, including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and water. Deficiency in many minerals may indicate the presence of a digestive and/or absorption disorder, as well as any number of other metabolic shortcomings.
There are few options available for studying the body’s mineral status. Blood and urine do not represent the tissue levels of minerals. Liver biopsy is too invasive, and tooth analysis is not readily available.
In contrast, hair tissue mineral analysis can detect mineral deficiencies or excesses, the presence of toxic elements, as well as the presence of metabolic disturbances such as metabolic acidosis or allergy. Hair, unlike blood, provides a permanent record of deposited minerals. In addition, specimens of hair can be collected more quickly and easily than specimens of blood, and it can be done painlessly, without risk of infection.
Hair Mineral Analysis results provide the basis for an individualized treatment program, for detoxification, remineralization, and prevention of further illness.
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